Video Monitors

Peter Goggin prgoggin at
Tue Aug 5 00:44:49 UTC 2008

The monitor I am using is an ACER AL707.  On both boxes I installed
ubuntu from an iso taken from the APC magazine DVD. I then upgraded from
the internet.  The results on the two boxes are different.

On one box ubuntu boots, and to see a menu I need to press escape. The
menu options are:
Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19 Generic
Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19 Generic - recovery mode
Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-16 Generic
Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-16 Generic - recovery mode
Ubuntu 8.04.1, Memtest86+

Since I only installed form one Iso I do not understand why I have two
versions of the Kernel, but perhaps this was created by the updates.

On the second box the menu is displayed without needing to press escape.

 On the first box the processor is Pentium 4, 2.4g with 480 Mbyte ram.
I suspect this box has an on board video. 
On selecting first menu option the monitor first displays a message
saying Input not Valid, eventually id displays the login screen, but the
monitor the goes into autoconfig mode. Once logged in the best
resolution offered is 960 x 600.

On the second box which has 728 Mbyte ram and a nvidia TN vidieo card
with 32 M ram, the menu displays without the need to press esc. After
choosing the first menu option the screen is set to 800 x 600

Note that the resolution of the screen on the XP box is 1152 x 864.

All three machines are connected to the same monitor, keyboard and mouse
by an electronic switch.
Whenecer I select the firsat Linux box the monitor is set into
autoconfigure mode

If I boot the machine with the Nvidia card using the 2.6.24-16 kernal
then it opens in 800x600 but I can change the resolution using
preferences to 1280 x 1024.

On the other machine with mother board video this makes no difference.
I would like to get the higher resolution options on both machines. Can
anyone suggest what I need to do?


Peter Goggin

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Chris Jones
Sent: Tuesday, 5 August 2008 2:19 AM
To: ubuntu-users at
Subject: Re: Video Monitors

> Try explaining what you've done, and what you're seeing (not to
mention what
> monitor and graphics adapter you have).  

Indeed. I suspect it is just as likely to be an issue with the video 
card driver than the monitor itself.

If you have an ATI or NVIDIA card, are you using the OSS or closed 
source binary drivers ? If the former, try installing the later


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