Tired of freezing laptop

Kim Briggs patiodragon at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 23:28:04 UTC 2008

On 8/4/08, Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at chrononomicon.com> wrote:
>  Pat Brown wrote:
>  > Well my laptop froze again this morning while I had Konquerer open. I
>  > used Ctrl Alt F2 to open a terminal, and was able to kill Konquerer.
>  > When I returned to my GUI everything was working fine. Thanks for making
>  > this easier.
> On the minus side, I'm sorry the complete answer hasn't come up yet on
>  how to fix the error you're seeing, but I'm glad you have a workaround
>  to make it livable at the moment.
>  Next...is the error *reliably reproducible*? In other words, can you
>  make it happen every time you open Konqueror and to go a specific
>  website, or it is happening randomly?
I can only see two messages in this thread, so I'm a little lost, but
the looking-for-reproductions approach is a good one.

Here is my experience with a VERY slow system:  It was the "tracker"
service (System... Preferences... Sessions).  With a lot of props to
free software developers, I think this app. is evil and I disable it
as soon as I load a new system.  It should not be on by default...  it
takes up way to many resources.

good luck,

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