editors in rescue mode (thanks)

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 4 20:44:38 UTC 2008

On 08/04/2008 01:27 PM, Leo Cacciari wrote:

> Hi,
>   by the way, I found also useful the "Ubuntu Rescue Remix" live CD that
> you could get at
> http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/
> is like using the alternate cd the way NoOp says, only better because
> you have a lot more tools (e.g. parted) which aren't on the Ubuntu
> Alternate. They aren't really needed for solve the problem of the OP
> [neither is an editor, as I pointed out], but is good to know it exists,
> I think.

Cool! Thanks for the link - I'll give that a spin later today or tomorrow.

> By the way, I agree that having no functioning editor in "rescue mode"
> makes the rescue mode itself meaningless and that a bug should be filled
> about that...
> Enjoy

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