No subject

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Mon Aug 4 19:42:49 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Mario Vukelic wrote:
>> On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 08:20 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Oh my...  Whose stupid idea was this?  If you have multiple OSes in
>>> the menu, it absolutely should not be defaulting the menu to hidden.
>> It says "Press ESC to see menu"
> OK, but really, if you have two OSes, I think _most_ people would want to
> see the menu, so hiding it by default is just not helpful.  "Press ESC to
> see menu" looks even less informative than the normal prompt to get to a
> BIOS menu (which is less necessary to most users than the Grub menu).

I honestly don't know if studies were ever done on this, but I know of 
cases where the second OS was preferred hidden because it was a lab or 
multiple-user system where %95 of the time we wanted the user to not 
have to pause and think or have the choice that confused them. It sped 
up bootup time and didn't give them a chance to start up the "wrong" 
environment, and only the people that needed the alternative could use it.

On a personal computer I feel you have a strong case. On a "corporate" 
type system, there may be reasons to not show the multiple OS' I'm 
not saying you're wrong, just there are cases where it makes sense that 
aren't that outlandish :-)


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