virtualbox fans?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Mon Aug 4 12:55:11 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:

> Try uninstalling the VBox guest addition (use the standard control panel
> 'remove programs' method, and & uninstalling MS Network via control
> panel/network. After it boots back up reinstall the MS Network, reboot
> and then reinstall the guest addition.

I'll give the quick summary first: Thanks NoOp! It worked!

For anyone else who searches for VirtualBox issues and gets into the 
archives, here's what happened...

I went into Add/Remove programs, removed VB additions. Then I opened the 
network interface and removed the MS client. Rebooted the virtual system.

WinXP came up, complained that it wanted to add new hardware (probably 
due to guest additions' removing the video driver, but it also said it 
was missing "base system drivers").

Skipped those, tried to go back to the network connection to add client. 
Wouldn't let me open network connections, saying that it had no properties.

So I opened the hardware manager and removed the network card. Rebooted.

Windows complained more about base system and video, but seemed to 
re-install the network card, no questions asked. It also let me open the 
properties and re-add the Microsoft Client.

Then I re-added the VirtualBox Additions.

Last, I had VB delete and re-add the host folder I was trying to "share".

Browsed the network folders and the shared folder showed up!

Quirk in VB? Quirk in Windows? Don't know...but NoOp's solutions worked. 
Thanks again!

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