samba problems

Paul pkaplan1 at
Sun Aug 3 14:20:05 UTC 2008

On Sunday 03 August 2008 8:52:48 Karl Auer wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-08-03 at 07:59 -0400, Paul wrote:
> > I'm trying to set up a simple LAN with a samba server on the linux box.
> > [...]
> > I've sometimes gotten the shares to display, but I always get met
> > by user/password dialog, that I can't get past.
> I assume you don't want to give access without a password.
> > Ultimately, I want to allow access from the windows side to samba by a
> > single windows user and deny access to others.
> Make sure security is set to "user" in smb.conf:
>    security = user
> Make sure that encrypted passwords are turned on in smb.conf:
>    encrypt passwords = true
> Restart Samba (makes certain the changes are picked up).
> Run smbpasswd as root on the samba machine to set up their password. In
> this example, the user is "freddy":
>    sudo smbpassd -a freddy
> You'll be prompted for the password. Note that "freddy" is the username
> on the Samba machine, not on the Windows machine. It's marginally easier
> on the user if the usernames are the same though. The password does not
> have to be (and should not be) the user's password on their Windows
> machine.
> Basically that's all there is to it.
> Regards, K.
Since I thought I had done this (but I'll verify), I must have created a 
conflict elsewhere in smb.conf.

So you know of a minimal smb.conf file that I could start rebuilding from?


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