Connecting laptop to sever

Nils Kassube kassube at
Sun Aug 3 11:51:34 UTC 2008

John wrote:
> NFS is configured on the SuSE server and proven to be working. I am not
> using Samba. The server has a fixed IP address and serves as my DHCP
> host from which the new laptop does receive an IP address.

What is the error message if you use this command

sudo mount -t nfs server.lan:/some/exported/path /mnt

where you replace the server name and path appropriately?

> I can not find reference to nfs-common on the U6 machine but it is
> installed on the U8 one.

I think nfs-common was not needed with Ubuntu 6.06 but as it is installed 
on your 8.04 machine, you should be able to mount nfs shares.

And sorry, I can't help you with the CUPS problem.


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