encrypted /tmp? encrypted home dir but remotely rebootable?

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Sun Aug 3 11:13:19 UTC 2008

Bob Smith wrote:
> I've worked out how to set up encrypted swap and /home/bob on my
> laptop, but is it possible to set up encrypted /tmp too? If so,
> how big does the /tmp partition need to be?
> Also, I want to make my home computer remotely rebootable but
> with some encrypted stuff: swap, /tmp (if possible), and
> /home/bob. Has anyone set a computer up so that it can rebooted
> without having someone sitting at the keyboard to type in the
> passphrase, but so you can ssh to it later and mount your own
> home directory? Or maybe I need to have two userids for this,
> bob1 who has access to sudo cryptsetup to mount /home/bob, then
> log out and back in again as bob?
> Thanks for any tips.
    Bob you have already gone way to far with with your encrypted home 
directory. Take all that stuff off and use your password. I have used 
ssh for years and never had a problem.

    To get on your computer a person needs to know the IP of your 
system, your home name and password.

    Not sure how you turn on your computer from the remote location but 
new computers seem to be made to do that.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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