odd things

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Sun Aug 3 01:13:37 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:

>     Thanks for the reference but it didn't help much. It seems FUSE is a 
> kernel driver and gvfs is a virtual file sytem. And all this is odd 
> things to me. Sorry I asked :-)

Try the Wiki entry on FUSE 

There's a lot of tech stuff in there, but basically it's a way to 
implement filesystem drivers without running privileged (root) code.

There's a lot of cool stuff done using FUSE...for example, mounting your 
gmail account space as a directory, and one I've used is to mount a 
remote directory using SSH so if you have a home system with SSHD 
running you can "mount" your home directory at your house as another 
directory on a remote computer.

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