firefox and seamonkey don't always use nswrapper

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Aug 2 23:51:41 UTC 2008

On 08/02/2008 04:22 PM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> NoOp schreef:

>> I highly recommend that if you run SM, you download and install it
>> directly from Mozilla:
> Thanks for the information!
> I thought already so. However, when I try to download the 1.11 version 
> although I can download it, it won't install which is understandable as 
> on the site I only see a 32-bit version for Linux (and Windows). Wher do 
> I get the 64-bit version?
> Joep

The Ubuntu version is 32bit as well. What issues are you having
installing 1.1.11? See:
Given that you had the Ubuntu version installed, you would have had the
32bit lib's installed also. However you can install manually:

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs*
sudo apt-get install lib32asound2 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6

If you'd prefer a .deb package you can use Ubuntuzilla:

Note: when you open the SM installer directly, by default it will
attempt to install in /usr/local/seamnkey and to do that you would need
to use:
sudo ./seamonkey-installer
that's not a good thing as it populates the ./mozilla folder with a root
owned mozver.dat file - and it starting with a new .mozilla directory
the installation with create .mozilla owned by root.
So when it asks where SM should be installed, change the location to
/home/<user>/seamonkey. Your user profiles will still use

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