Installing Ubuntu to an external drive

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at
Sat Aug 2 17:45:59 UTC 2008

On Saturday 02 August 2008 18:46, Rob wrote:
> Howdy,
> If I install Ubuntu to an external (300gig) drive, where will it install
> Lilo or Grub?  Or will it ask?
> Tks,
> Rob

I've no experience of installing Ubuntu/Kubuntu on external USB harddrives, 
but one thing (at least on Kubuntu) is that having done the partitioning you 
end up with a button to press to install the system. there is no specific 
page for where to install Grub before that, but on the same page as the 
"press to install" button, is another button named "advanced" IIRC, and 
pressing this will take you to another page where you can decide where to put 
Grub. Either in the MBR (default), Or you can choose to put it in the / 
partition on the external harddrive where you have installed Ubuntu.

Which other distros do you have installed on the machine with the internal 
Harddrive? Just Windows perhaps? If so, it may be ok to just press the 
install button, post partitioning, and Grub by default will be put in the 

As I say, I've no experience with booting distros on external harddrives, and 
perhaps someone that is using them may post back with more complete info.

All the best.


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