firefox and seamonkey don't always use nswrapper

Mumia W. paduille.4062.mumia.w+nospam at
Sat Aug 2 14:22:52 UTC 2008

On 08/02/2008 07:09 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> [...]
> I don't want to compile it myself as I'm unfamiliar with the .deb 
> related package database and I don't know how a selfcompiled program is 
> - or can be - stored in that database.

It's not so hard. Look at these pages:

Note that you don't have to create a .deb for all the software you 
install through compiling, but doing so makes uninstallation and 
tracking easier.

> Sorry for the rather long question, hope somebody can help me out.
> Thanks in advance,
> Joep

Good luck.

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