How to upgrade KDE 4.0 apps to KDE 4.1 on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy

David Fox dfox94085 at
Sat Aug 2 14:38:48 UTC 2008

On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 4:59 AM, Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at> wrote:
> If you really just want to upgrade kate, konsole, dolphin, and some
> others, maybe it would help to uninstall the meta-package

I'm not so sure I'd recommend doing that, from personal experience. I
have kubuntu-desktop installed on top of a Ubuntu HH install, of
course. I also have the kde4 launchpad repository stuff installed, and
do most of my desktop experience with the kde4.1 latest stuff. But
there may be pitfalls, and there seem to be. Dolphin, for instance,
would segfault when trying to play any avi or mpeg file. Sure there
are alternatives to doing that. Konqueror in kde4 has got an improved
look and feel, but it has trouble with any kde bookmarks (in konqueror
kde3) so I keep konqueror/kde3 available for those times I need to
look at the bookmarks I've already had for quite a while, and don't
recall off the top of my head the exact urls for them.

I also have amarok-neon, and that's not officially part of ubuntu, I
realize, but it helps to keep the original amarok around for stuff
that the new version doesn't quite handle right yet.

And there are components in kde3 that haven't yet been ported over to
the kde4.1 platform, so that's another reason to keep both around.

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