playing XviD files

andy baxter andy at
Sat Aug 2 07:37:18 UTC 2008

James Takac wrote:
> Hi Andy
> On Saturday 02 August 2008 17:20:43 andy baxter wrote:
>> dpkg -l '*xvid*' | cat
> If I issue the same command you did above I get the same except I have no 
> probs playing the files. Also looking in synaptic there are other packages 
> which match the xvid criteria and also installed on my systems. Basically X11 
> video extentions. Also something else maybe worth a try. Have you installed 
> the "ubuntu restricted extras". This might install something that's currently 
> missing
> James
I think you're mixing me up with the original poster. I can play xvid 
and divx fine using gxine. I'm in this thread trying to help the OP, not 
asking for help myself.


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