Win98 -- all kidding aside

Chris racerx at
Fri Aug 1 22:32:45 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 00:21:57 +1000 (EST)
Res <res at> wrote:

>   On Fri, 1 Aug 2008, Karl Larsen wrote:
> >    I think this has gone on long enough. All the names here are
> > good intelligent Ubuntu users who, like me enjoy helping others. I
> > had a real joy this morning. I helped a guy on this list and he
> > bothered to send me a personal email thanking me. This makes you
> > feel good.
> >
> >     Res decided to call some of these people bad names. If you were
> > to ask I bet he is sorry he did that. I get off track some times
> > and get hate mail. I just ignore it. I suggest that we all just
> > IGNORE hate mail.
> >
>   I dont regret anything I've said to the trolls who think they have
> the right to dictate to others how they must post, I regret nothing
> to those who are self appointed list-nazis or self appointed net-cops.
>   Official mods are the ones ones who have any right to tell someone
> how they can/should/must post, not the wannabes, and its for that
> reason that they dont like me and have labelled me a troll, because I
> stand up for those less informed and they hate the hell that I do
> that, removing their self appointed authority. But again as I've said
> before its not really their fault, its the official list moderators
> fault, for letting these wankas get out of control. I make no apology
> to them for the harsh words, because someone needs to make these
> people wake up to themselves, I doubt i'll ever succeed here, but I
> dont give in to these forms of trolls, I've been dealing with them
> for over 10 years and I will do it for another 10 years as well. I
> also realise those less informed and being associated with the list
> nazis will side with them on the bandwagon and attack me, but thats
> life, some people need others to think for them I suppose.
>   And yes, you wont often see me make helpful posts in public, I
> prefer to email my responses in private as i have no need to beat my
> chest like certain persons around here do. Those I've helped know it
> and they are the ones that count nobody else.

Or maybe, you prefer to help via private email to minimize the public
embarrassment of being wrong?

Helping others in public allows others to view perhaps another way of
doing something. 

In the end - it is your call and of course, just my observation.
Of course you need to realize, Res, that since this is only my
observation, there is no need to dispute it - it is, after all what I
think. And to me, that's all that matters.

>   Hey, I call it as i see it, not my problem if people dont like it
> how I see it, but at least people know exactly where they stand with
> me. I cant tolerate fake so and so's who are nice to your face but
> despise and hate you, they get more repsect being upfront.

Yes - there is something to be said about speaking your mind however,
it's all in the presentation that will either allow people to take your
persona with a grain of salt or otherwise.

Best regards,


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