Wah, wahing
Jimmy Montague
rhetoric102 at iowatelecom.net
Fri Aug 1 21:59:40 UTC 2008
On Fri, 2008-08-01 at 16:27 -0500, David Clark wrote:
> I once taught English, so let’s see if I can get the point across in
> plain, everyday, common English.
> Your point was badly presented, properly addressed and answered, then
> boorishly rejected. The answer to a question such as yours should
> suffice, absent the whining and petulant backbiting. The man answered
> your question best he could and but you demanded he meet your absurd
> expectations.
> Linux solutions sometimes demand the command line. Were you as
> experienced as you claim, that should be welcomed not rejected so
> childishly, since anyone witch experience back to the DOS days knows
> the GUI’ limitations. If you don’t, Dickhead, then you’re also a liar.
> Now there; how’s that for a proper and appropriate response to a
> whining asshole?
> David Clark
> Clarksd5-at-cox.net
> From: Jimmy Montague <rhetoric102 at iowatelecom.net>
> Subject: Re: Win98 -- all kidding aside
> To: Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at chrononomicon.com>
> Cc: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
> <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <1217619747.5817.6.camel at cyanide>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> On Fri, 2008-08-01 at 15:33 -0400, Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> >
> > Jimmy Montague wrote:
> >
> > >> I had an English teacher who I liked who said people who
> cuss
> > >> and swear are lacking in the words to express what they want to.
> > >>
> > >> It seems you are in that position.
> > >>
> > >> Karl
> > >>
> > >
> > > I taught college English for two years, myself. I never met but
> one
> > > or two college English teachers who can write as well as I can,
> and
> > > I never met even one who could write like Papa Hemingway or
> Private
> > > Joker (neither of whom ever went to college). Who the heck cares
> > > what a college English teacher thinks? Certainly his students do
> > > not. Nor should they, for the most part.
> > >
> > > At ease, Karl. I'm not sore at you.
> >
> > I'd like to try one more time to at least clear the slate with you
> by
> > saying I'm sorry for whatever I exactly did to piss you off so much
> > that you can't find any form of forgiveness nor a reason to come to
> an
> > understanding.
> >
> > Can't do anything other than that, and if you're the kind of person
> > who'd rather reply with hostility when someone is trying to make
> > amends...nothing I can do about that. I really don't understand what
> I
> > did that would deserve such rabid animosity from you.
> >
> > Otherwise, have a good life and good luck.
> >
> > -Bart
> You keep saying goodbye to me but you never get around to leaving.
> Please feel free to ignore me in perpetuity. I won't miss you at all.
> I promise.
> Jimmy
Jeez, David, I don't know. It sounds to me like you and your pal Bart
are doing the whining. Whatever is wrong must be very important to the
two of you. He won't go away and you (who had no part in this until now)
won't let it drop. Maybe you fellers could get together somewhere and
pee in each other's hats or something. It won't make any difference to
me if you do or you don't, but it might help the two of you feel better.
I have no other suggestions. If what you want is pity, you're sending to
the wrong address. If what you want is to put a lid on this, I keep
trying -- but guys like you keep tearing the lid off and stirring up the
poop. Some people here are afflicted, but it's clearly not me: you
haven't got what it takes to hurt my feelings. All you can accomplish
the way you're going is to gum up the list with this never-ending flame
Betcha what! Keep it up long enough and some of these folks will be
asking YOU to leave. And you should leave. You obviously need a life: if
you didn't, you wouldn't be taking on other people's problems.
Think about it.
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