newbie's question on file permission

Zhengguo Xu tworiversfolk at
Fri Aug 1 19:07:13 UTC 2008

Thanks a lot, Zack!! it indeed is FAT32 disk. I do need to connect this disk
to windows from time to time, but I had the impression that NTFs is not best
support by Linx. or am I completely wrong about it? writing to NTFs disk in
linux is now perfectly normal?

2008/8/1 POWERS, ZACK <zpowers at>

> Hi,
> The reason permissions don't change on your USB stick is because your
> USB disk is formatted in a filesystem that does not support POSIX
> style file permissions. If its FAT16 or FAT32, which it is most likely
> is, it doesn't support any type of file permissions. To solve this
> issues you will have to reformat your USB disk to a POSIX compliant
> filesystem (NTFS would be the best choice for compatibility with
> Windows).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-users-bounces at on behalf of Zhengguo Xu
> Sent: Fri 8/1/2008 2:37 PM
> To: Ubuntu User
> Subject: newbie's question on file permission
> Greeting all!
> Recently I encounted a strange problem (or it maybe very obvious for
> you
> guys) while copying files and I'd like to ask a question on file
> permission
> in linux.
> I have a file, lets say 'biology.ppt' and it has permission as follows
> and i
> am the owner and it belongs to group 'root'
> -rwx------
> i want to change it to group, say, 'test', and give permissions to
> everyone
> to read and write and execute, what's wrong when I run the following
> command?
> sudo chgrp test biology.ppt
> sudo chmod 777 biology.ppt
> nothing happened when i run these commands and i tried them with and
> without
> sudo. the file still has the permission -rwx------ and root is still
> the
> group.
> if it matters, the file is on a usb disk mounted in /media
> i also tried to create some file in my home directory and i can change
> it as
> i want with the same command.
> any help would be greatly appreciated.
> --
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