Tired of freezing laptop

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Fri Aug 1 11:44:08 UTC 2008

Pat Brown wrote:
> I'm getting very tired of having my PC freeze up almost every time I go 
> online. I'm using Hardy on a Compaq Presario C700, with a Broadcom B43 
> wireless card. I apply every update the update manager detects. I've 
> been running Hardy since it was released and this problem is ongoing. It 
> doesn't seem to matter what I am doing online, eventually it will freeze 
> and require a soft boot using CTRL+ALT+Backspace.
    It seems from what you say that your using kubuntu. I do not and it 
adds confusion to the problem. But for sure sounds like a hardware 
problem on your laptop. Of course Windows XP works fine and I do not 
know why.

>  I've run some of the 
> tests people have suggested but the results mean nothing to me - I 
> posted them once and never heard any comments on whether it showed anything.
    It was not picked up by anyone for some reason. Send the results to 
me and I will try to figure it out.
> I also can't watch YouTube videos at all on Konquerer. Sometimes I can 
> watch them on Firefox 3.0.1 but it too will shut down without warning.
    You have to have the proper software installed in Firefox. I forget 
what it is but someone else will tell us.

> I recently picked up an almost new PC which I was originally going to 
> install Ubuntu on. Now I'm reconsidering and think I'm going to go back 
> to XP so I can watch videos and surf without this hassle all the time. 
    Please do load Ubuntu Hardy on this new computer! And please at 
least stay with Gnome until it is updated and working fine. I bet it 
will load and just work like mine did. Load it dual boot so you have the 
best of both windows and Ubuntu.

> I'll keep Ubuntu on my laptop because I like it, but I don't like this 
> problem and until it's fixed I need an alternative that's more reliable.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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