Win98 -- all kidding aside

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Fri Aug 1 05:03:43 UTC 2008

Jimmy Montague <rhetoric102 at>  said:
> Now I'm sure you're a straight-up guy, too. Everybody knows somebody
> who has a name like Cybe R. Wizard, right? Aren't you the guy who
> lives next door to Wile E. Coyote? So tell us all, you twisted,
> nasty, paranoid little dweeb: what kind of lowlife chickenshit feels
> the need to hide behind an alias while he smears people he knows
> nothing about? I'd be interested to know but I won't hold my breath
> while I wait for you to bare the details of your own miserable life
> and what sort of sneaky filth you get up to when you think nobody's
> looking.
> I got NOTHING to hide. Now you tell us all what's your problem.
> Jimmy

My life's an open book; google me if you can manage that.
Or whois my website,, as I'm not /afraid/ of giving
out /my/ address or phone number.
BTW, I won't be seeing your messives (sic) any more so forget replying.

Cybe R. Wizard
People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that
kicks them. 
	Eric Hoffer

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