Win98 -- all kidding aside

Karl Larsen k5di at
Fri Aug 1 01:03:46 UTC 2008

Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Bart Silverstrim wrote:
>>> Mario Vukelic wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 2008-07-31 at 15:52 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>>     I have 100 floppies from the years before 1998 and would like to see 
>>>>> how many are good 
>>>> Yeah, as I said, I can understand that. Though I would not expect too
>>>> much :)
>>>>> and might even use it for a BIOS update. They still 
>>>>> talk about a floppy drive :-)
>>>> Seriously? When most computers as sold don't even have one? I was
>>>> curious and checked Intel's BIOS update page, and floppies don't seem to
>>>> be the only option at all:
>>> We still have some servers, and versions of Windows, that needed 
>>> floppies if you wanted to install controller drivers during install 
>>> phase of the OS...very frustrating! :-)
>>> For the most part you can work around floppies and not use them. Once 
>>> resorted to having to burn a bootable floppy image to the beginning of a 
>>> CD, but I can't remember the circumstances at the time.
>>> Right now I think the only thing I've encountered that it still may be a 
>>> necessity is the server farm if some versions of Windows needs the PERC 
>>> driver added at installation. Oh, and I think there may be some version 
>>> of software we have that insists on keys being installed via a 
>>> "keydisk", but I think (hope) the company has already moved on to just a 
>>> keyfile by now.
>>> -Bart
>>     Yes Bart, I have bought USB solid state memory things when their 
>> cost dropped below $20 and they do the same thing a floppy did in 1998. 
>> They are all at my house with a ext3 file system and work very well with 
>> my Linux stuff.
> Sorry Karl, but what are you referring to?
    Sorry Bart, we should call them USB memory sticks. But I forget :-)



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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