Win98 -- all kidding aside

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Fri Aug 1 00:38:01 UTC 2008

Victor Padro wrote:
> This is the longest topic i've ever seen on the list for about a year, if
> I'm not wrong.
> Here in the third world we do use floppies, which are also obsolete, and can
> be used only to install a third party driver(in linux and windows) so please
> don't post that kind of statements, it's just annoying.

I apologize for my part in that. Sometimes I get too centered on the 
situation in which I'm most familiar, and in the States, current-gen 
machines (and Macintoshes from Apple) no longer rely on floppies a lot 
and it's easy to forget that others don't always have ready access to 
similar technology.

I'll try to be more sensitive to that in the future.

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