banned by ip

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Apr 30 22:45:57 UTC 2008

Joseph wrote:

> I don't care to be involved with anything to do with any kind of porn.  Isn't there other avenues by which one can have 
> privacy AND protect themselves from this sort of thing? don't have to look at it and you don't have to contribute to 
it.  And you have no say in what travels over the TOR network; you're a 
store-and-forward node, and you don't know what's going through it. 
That's the point. That's also the reason I said it's a two edged sword.

You can't advocate free speech while outlawing people from calling each 
other names that you just don't like.

It's been said that this is the generation that will see an end to 
privacy in the US, and the first generation to not see any problem with 
relinquishing that right.  It would appear to be rapidly coming true.

Anyway, this branch of discussion should probably be dropped if it's 
going to get into a topic of rights...But that's just my thought. 
Ironically if it does get into free speech it won't take long for people 
to start posting and demanding the conversation thread be ended.

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