Welcome to the "ubuntu-users" mailing list

John Toliver john.toliver at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 11:29:44 UTC 2008

> You are too lazy to create a new mail with a good subject for you first post
> to the list.
> You are so stupid that you use for you first post the subscription mail from
> the ubuntu list with you password. Currently I am logged in to you account,
> but I think I can resist to manipulate it. Not sure what others will do.
> You are top posting.
> Not sure whether you would understand the answers you will get here for your
> problem.
> Gerald

Think back to a time when you did something that made you look like an
ass and someone chose instead of kicking you while you were down to
simply correct.  Obviously being the intellectual giant that you are
this has never happened, but try to condescend to the level of the
smaller people.  This is the kind of arrogance that turns people off
from OSS and Linux in general and while this may not interest you,
perhaps it should as the more persons take interest in the software
inveriably the better it should become..... to not sure you would
understand that though.

Patience yields far greater results than brute force or rage ever could
so relax......it's just life !!!
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