No subject

Michael Perry ardo202 at
Wed Apr 30 12:58:30 UTC 2008

i have been having problems installing ubuntu on to my computer, i configure the cd-rom to boot first , insert the CD, it appears to install however, moments before it is due to launch the live cd, it hangs while loading, i have tried many ways to install ubuntu on the machine and am now stuck! i have  tried bothe the i386 and x64 and on both, the system hangs.

my system
64bit athlon 2.8ghz
2.25gb ram
1tb hdd space
512 ati  agp graphics card

live  cd
            - hangs while loading (on final block before initiating the live cd)
         -    again loads to the same point and hangs

i'm stumped! 

any help with this would be appreciated

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