[OT] firefox 3.x: enable "old" URL history?

Kristian Rink kristian at zimmer428.net
Wed Apr 30 12:27:24 UTC 2008


kinda o/t as this is related to Firefox more than to Ubuntu it seems,
but for the sake of it (as I hope some people sharing the same
"problem" around here): In course of having FF3 introduced to the
system with Ubuntu 8.04, so there is the "new" URL history feature in
Firefox which seems to work based upon site title rather than site URL
which IMHO is a rather stupid idea but maybe it's a matter of what
one is used to. However: Does anyone around here have any hint how to
make Firefox 3s URL bar behave like its 2.x predecessor again?

Thanks in advance, kindest regards,

Kristian Rink * http://zimmer428.net * http://flickr.com/photos/z428/
jab: kawazu at jabber.ccc.de * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
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