JFS vs EXT3 vs XFS vs ReiserFS

Alvaro Figueiredo alvarof at freeshell.org
Wed Apr 30 01:03:11 UTC 2008

Em Terça 29 Abril 2008, Felipe Figueiredo escreveu:
> If you intend to use LVM (which I use both at work, at home, and
> every family/friends computer I put my hands and ubuntu on), the
> FS you choose is an important choice, when it comes the time to
> resize it. IIRC the LVM howto states that ext3 and reiserf need
> to be unmounted to be resized,

To be exact, ext2/3 and reiserfs only need to be unmounted if you 
want to shrink it. Both grow on the fly, just like jfs and xfs.

Alvaro Figueiredo
alvarof at freeshell.org

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