New Linux user needs Guitar Pro replacement

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Wed Apr 30 00:28:49 UTC 2008

"Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at>  said:
> A friend who I installed Ubuntu for needs an application to replace
> Guitar Pro. I am unfamiliar with the application so I could not go
> googling about finding a replacement. If anyone here has any
> suggestions I'd love to hear them. Thanks.
> Dotan Cohen

Multitrack guitar tablature editor and player (gp3 to gp5)
TuxGuitar is a multitrack Guitar tablature editor and player.
It can open GP3, GP4, and GP5 files and exports in MIDI and PDF.

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
	Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
		"The Barsoom Project"

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