JFS vs EXT3 vs XFS vs ReiserFS

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Tue Apr 29 19:06:18 UTC 2008

Paul S wrote:
> Rashkae said the following on 04/29/2008 01:02 PM:
>> I can't comment on your EXT3 problems.. In my experience, EXT3 has been
>> the most stable and easy to recover file system (and I have stress
>> tested all of them several times.)  That being said, I'll share my
>> observations so far on the others.
> I've never had a problem before hardy either with ext3 being corrupted 
> to be unusable.
> Thanks for your comments on the others.
> regards,
    Thinking about this I do have experience with Hardy finding fault 
with a ext3  partition. I use the the same Home partition on 7.10 and 
Hardy.  When I boot Hardy it finds this Home partition as flawed. But it 
was just working fine on 7.10. I have to let it "fix" the partition to 
use it. I go back and there is no problem.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
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