gnome-terminal, URIs, & focus stealing

Marius Gedminas marius at
Tue Apr 29 17:31:31 UTC 2008

On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 08:51:51PM +0100, Adam McGreggor wrote:
> 'ello.
> This really follows from my bug-report,
> --
> as I'm fairly sure I saw a similar report with either Edgy or Feisty, 
> but am lacking the fu to find it (there are only so many regexps I can 
> throw at mboxgrep).
> Does anyone here remember a fix to it (I don't think it needed patching,
> but it may have done), the short summary is:
>   links in gnome-terminal ('g-t') used to open in browser, but keep g-t
>   in focus -- at least under gutsy.
> since upgrading to hardy, i've noticed my browser steals the focus. A
> quick downgrade of 'gnome-terminal-data' and 'gnome-terminal' doesn't
> fix it, so i suspect the problem's in a dependency or something else.

The focus stealing is a matter between the browser and the window
manager.  Gnome-terminal is an innocent third party.

> 'Anyone remember the previous remedy/incident? Has anyone got a link to
> the mail from when it came up last time?


IIRC metacity has a setting in gconf somewhere, where it lets you change
the focus stealing policy.  I don't remember if Compiz also has
something like that.

Marius Gedminas
Microsoft's entry in this cavalcade of horrors is Universal Plug and Play
(UPnP).  This is a protocol that allows [...] an end-user system to request a
dynamic port-forwarding from the firewall to the box.  Many network
administrators will probably (rightly) recoil at letting applications on a
Windows box dictate firewall policy.
        -- Anthony Baxter
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