Can't find the iso image

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Tue Apr 29 10:29:50 UTC 2008

On Mon, 28 Apr 2008 01:20:50 -0500
Willis Taylor <th1bill at> wrote:

> Danni wrote:
> > I recently downloaded the 8.04 on my Windows computer and it is a zip
> > archive. I can't seem to find the iso image inside the archive. Before
> > 8.04, I downloaded the 7.10 and it was only 1 file - the iso image.
> > NOTE: I am NOT upgrading. Never had a chance to install 7.10 so I
> > decided to wait for the new one.
> >
> > Can you please guide me to finding the image file.
> >
> > Danni
> Assuming your running XP go Start.>Search and type Ubuntu and click
> find.  Then in the results Dbl Click the Ubuntu 8.04 file and note it's
> location./

My understanding is that Danni knows exactly where the file was downloaded to, but is confused that the file is coming up as a zip archive, and so wants to find the ISO image *inside* the archive, or find some means of getting the ISO out of the archive.

So I'm going to suggest you follow Rutger's suggestion, and double check the file is actually what Windows tells you it is.

Avi Greenbury

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