Does anybody use apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade to Hardy?

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Apr 28 15:11:04 UTC 2008

Florian Diesch wrote:

> Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
>> Oliver Grawert wrote:
>>> use update-manager-core for commandline upgrades, dont use apt-get if
>>> you cant handle the fallout you get with it (u-m has builtin handling
>>> for a ton of special cases to guarantee a smooth upgrade in any case.
>> Guarantee?  That's a huge improvement over Gutsy...
>> I tried update-manager for the first time with gutsy, and it broke, so I
>> went back to aptitude.
> There's no guarantee that update-manager works without glitches, but
> chances are better than without it.

Yeah, that's what I figured.  I really don't have a problem with
update-manager, and to be fair when it broke when I was using it, I had
kicked off the update at work, forgotten about it, and hibernated when I
left - then when I resumed the machine at home something (I don't recall
what) was broken.  That's not a normal, or recommended, use case :-)

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