No subject

Jay M jayron.martinez at
Mon Apr 28 15:07:45 UTC 2008

There are ways of making the software work but your safest bet would be
finding alternatives to the software below. That way you know they will
functioning correctly.

MS Office -
Acrobat 7 - Acroread, xview
Photoshop CS - The Gimp
Illustrator CS2 - Inkscape
Frontpage - NvU

these programs come close to what you want, may not be 100% but it
should work for you

On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 10:57 -0400, Jeff Robertson wrote:

> I am considering buying a new Dell laptop in a couple months.  I am
> fed up with Windows and especially the crap they call "Vista".  Dell
> now offers new laptops with Ubuntu installed as the OS.  I would love
> to learn and use Ubuntu but I am worried some of my software won't
> work.  I have MS Office, Acrobat 7, PhotoshopCS IllustratotCS2 and
> Frontpage.
> -- 
> Jeff
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