partitions not detected

Kim Briggs patiodragon at
Mon Apr 28 01:50:32 UTC 2008

On 4/25/08, Haneef Bashir <darkfena313 at> wrote:
> Hello all
> i just installed Hardy and now when i log in, i don't have access to the
> other partitions of my hard drive. how do i gain partition detection, or do
> i have to reinstall?

Hi HB,

I am writing not as an expert on this subject, but I have had a lot of
luck using the program "pysdm" = Python Storage Device Manager.  It
has helped me add a second hard drive by giving me a graphical way to
edit the fstab.  It is not installed by default.  To try it, you would
have to execute "sudo apt-get install pysdm" in a terminal.  Its final
location should be in your path, so you should be able to type "pysdm"
in a terminal to start it up.

Also, the graphical program "gparted" has been a lot of help dealing
with partitions.


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