Keyboard not working after suspend

Xurxo Fernández Gismero xurxo13 at
Sun Apr 27 21:32:27 UTC 2008

2008-04-27 (日) の 12:30 +0200 に Oliver Grawert さんは書きました:
> hi,
> Am Samstag, den 26.04.2008, 19:39 +0200 schrieb Xurxo Fernández Gismero:
> > 50% of the times I suspend the computer the keyboard wont work after
> > resuming. I could solve it in gutsy by unbinding and binding the
> > keyboard (bug 23497 in acpi-support).
> > I created both scripts on /etc/acpi/resume.d and suspend.d but they
> > don't work on Hardy! Any idea what to do? I found hardy to be the most
> > buggy ubuntu release I have tried on my computer.
> hardy uses the pm-utils scripts under /etc/pm/ now, the acpi scripts
> were a workaround thats not needed anymore now that hal supports
> pm-utils.

That explains why the scripts weren't working but it doesnt explain why
I'm having all those problems trying to resume.
I finally decided to fall back to gutsy where everything worked for me.

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