[Hardy]How do I downgrade Openoffice2.4 back to 2.3.1

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Apr 26 23:11:25 UTC 2008

On 04/25/2008 11:48 PM, John Toliver wrote:

> I verified those each time and they were installed and it still gave me
> a hard time.  I later discovered that it had something to do with
> my .openoffice.org2 profile in my ~/ directory.  When I used the fresh
> profile created with the install it opened the database.  However when I
> opened it with the old profile I had from 2.3 (I have a lot of settings
> I'd rather not have to recreate) it gave me problems and claimed Java
> was either broken, or not installed.

In your old profile, go to:


Rename: javasettings_Linux_x86.xml

Restart OOo then reset your java settings:


Don't forget to add any classpaths like jmf etc back in that you may
have included previously.

Close and restart OOo.

That will create a new javasettings_Linux_x86.xml

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