Low WiFi rates (Hardy 64Bit, Intel Pro Wireless 3945)

Phil Bieber philbieber at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 11:21:41 UTC 2008

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Marius Gedminas <marius at pov.lt> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 11:11:51AM +0200, Phil Bieber wrote:
>  Try 'iwpriv eth1 set_mode 4' instead, it might help if the slowdown is
>  caused by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ipw3945/+bug/103210

I tried it, but it said:
root at hekate:~# iwpriv wlan0 set_mode 4
Invalid command : set_mode
root at hekate:~#

As far as I know I'm using the iwl, as I didn't change anything and
lsmod said the following:
root at hekate:~# lsmod | grep iwl
iwl3945               104820  0
iwlwifi_mac80211      251876  1 iwl3945
cfg80211               17680  1 iwlwifi_mac80211
led_class               7176  1 iwl3945
root at hekate:~# lsmod | grep ipw
root at hekate:~#

<-- snip -->
>  Anyway, as far as I understand, the problem is caused when the signal
>  quality drops temporarily -- the ipw3945 driver reduces speed, and then
>  forgets to increase it again when the signal quality rises.

When monitoring the signal strength using WICD, I allways see a
quality of >= 85% and in Windows it allways say "Excelent" (Not sure,
what it actually says in English, but in German it is
"Hervorrangend".) and a link speed of at least 38MBit/s.

Anyhow, thanks alot for helping!
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GPG KEY ID (Philipp Bieber): 0x0185E301
FINGERPRINT: CA81 28C2 E63F DAF8 5ED4 DACB 7C26 EE5B 0185 E301
Phil Bieber - philbieber at gmail.com

GPG KEY ID (Philipp Bieber Work): 0x3E43576A
FINGERPRINT: F043 92A1 2A2C 5256 52A9 DECB A39F B04C 3E43 576A
Philipp Bieber - philipp.bieber at gundlach.de

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