Ubuntu 8.04: Migrating to Firefox 2.0.0.x from Firefox 3 Beta

SYNass IT Ubuntu / Linux i-ubux at synass.net
Sat Apr 26 05:32:21 UTC 2008

> Sigh... :-)
> 1. Uninstall (U) FF2 from Synaptic.
> 2. Download FF2 from Mozilla
> http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/
> 3. mkdir ~/FF2
> 4. Copy the FF2 .gz that you downloaded to the ~/FF2 directory and
> extract it there: open Nautilus, double click on the .gz extract
> including using "Re-create folders".
> 6. From a terminal:
> sudo apt-get install libstdc++5
> cd ~FF2
> ./firefox -P
> Create a new "FF2" profile & open FF with that profile.
> Click Tools|Add-ons and add your beloved Foxmarks...
> Or:
> 1. Assuming you've already installed (U)FF2 - From a terminal:
> firefox-2 -P
> Create a new "FF2" profile & open FF with that profile.
> 2. Tools|Add-ons
> Disable "Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.5" & restart FF2
> 3. Click Tools|Add-ons and add your beloved Foxmarks...

Hi NoOp
Thanks for your appreciated efforts and feedback !
Your instruction is quite good but has a little problem in sequence 1 &
2 !! ;-)
Download should be before UN-install !!! ;-))

Done already with no success. ;-(

Following your instructions was easy and went smooth. ;-D

Unfortunately after this I have TWO error messages:

Extension installation (Foxmarks) still fails with -203 
plus a new one telling something decreated with gecko !!??

Since this system got another problem too that I cannot sudo anymore:
I give up here and start from scratch again with the latest 8.04 LTS CD.

Will then do your instuction at the end and below the "OR" after
installing FF2 again.

Once again THANKS a LOT !!!
Cheers, svobi

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