Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox 3 Beta 5

Ioannis Vranos ivranos at freemail.gr
Fri Apr 25 13:12:23 UTC 2008

Christoph Bier wrote:
> Mario Vukelic schrieb am 25.04.2008 13:59:
>> On Fri, 2008-04-25 at 13:49 +0200, Christoph Bier wrote:
>>> Of course, no! But even if I did: Did I miss a warning about closing
>>> every application before upgrading?
>> Oh ok. I just wanted to clarify. Still, relying on the session for very
>> important stuff is asking for trouble. FF has this handy "Bookmark all
>> Tabs" feature :)
> I know that there are always strategies to prevent data loss. And of
> course I take backups every day. But these research results didn't
> find its way to the backup because I found them between two backups.
> And yes, I could have taken another backup before upgrading ... But
> I didn't for different reasons (most important: lack of time) and I
> really did not expect that a FF session could be lost by an upgrade.
> Maybe that's just the last straw. I had so many hardware issues with
> Ubuntu in the last year that took me so many time (I filed
> respective bug reports). I'm a friend and supporter of FOSS and even
> FF (I paid for an ad of FF 1 in a big german news paper)! But I
> don't have the time anymore to handle all the time consuming issues.
> After upgrading to Gutsy I listed 1½ ISO A4 paper with problems
> introduced by Gutsy. And now after upgrading to Hardy a new list is
> growing again ...
> Don't take my gripe amiss.

In case every Ubuntu version does not work for you for some reason, you
may try Scientific Linux 5.x which is a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x
derivative, like CentOS, although I recommend SL instead of CentOS as
better organised (it has the main third-party repositories mirrored and
configured to use).

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