Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox 3 Beta 5

Kristian Rink kristian at zimmer428.net
Fri Apr 25 12:46:23 UTC 2008

Am Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:55:35 -0400
schrieb steve <sfreilly at roadrunner.com>:

> | Whatever the issues with FF3 vs. FF2, are you saying that you
> upgraded | while the browser was running with 30 important pages
> open? And you | expected that all would work absolutely flawless and
> now are pissed that | you lost your browser session?
> |
> |
> everyone repeat after me.
> 1. BACKUP all work before proceeding with an upgrade.

Of course. :) But then again, to me this doesn't explain why, on a Long
Term Support system, the default browser to be installed is a beta
release of a modular, extensible application like Firefox. Knowing that
(a) a lot of users rely upon plugins, extensions and the like, (b)
quite some of these are likely not to work with a beta version (if
they're upgraded to FF3 at all, but that's possibly another story), to
me this seems like just begging for trouble, knowing in advance
that this will damage a lot of things to many. Maybe this is the one
badness that one will remember about the release of 8.04. You're right,
backing things up before doing an upgrade is one thing. Dapper has had
Firefox 1.5 in it, preferring stability to "up-to-date" software. I
don't completely understand why this philosophy seems to have been
abandoned on the way to Hardy...


Kristian Rink * http://zimmer428.net * http://flickr.com/photos/z428/
jab: kawazu at jabber.ccc.de * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
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