Problem updating Ubuntu 8.04

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Apr 25 01:56:40 UTC 2008

On 04/24/2008 05:47 PM, Pat Brown wrote:
> I updated to Ubuntu Gutsy a month or so ago. Since then there have been
> several updates which I always applied. But I was unable to update for
> about 2-3 weeks since at the time I was staying with family and they
> have a limit on downloads, so I had to stop downloading. Now I'm in my
> own place but when I try to run the updates, it first comes back with a
> message saying it can't update everything but it can do a partial. So I
> click okay and then  I get an error authenticating some packages and at
> that point all I can do is Cancel. It says it may be a 'transient'
> problem and to try again later. I've tried this about 4 times and never
> get past this point. So I'm at an impasse.  I've seen that install
> partial updates before and was always able to go back after the initial
> round of installs and update the rest, but now I can't update at all.
> And to top it off I'm having issues with some web sites - PayPal and
> eBay in particular. I can get to the sites, but the minute I try to do
> any transactions Firefox closes completely. Sometimes I get an error
> reporting option but it won't do the report because I need the updated
> files. It's a vicious circle. Can anyone help.

I would not try any upgrades today. All of the servers & mirrors are
swamped because of the 8.04 release. If you can wait a day or so they
(hopefully) will be back to normal.

Alternately: Open up System|Administration|Software Sources, and then
select the "Download from: Other". Click on "Select Best Server". That
will go through all of the servers/mirrors and ping each one. It will
then come back and tell you which one it got the best response from.
Note: beware if it comes back with "" as that server is
seriously broken & I'm about to file a bug regarding it. If it does,
then try to select one manually that might be close to you and give that
a try.

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