Samba Server

Patton Echols p.echols at
Wed Apr 23 22:00:09 UTC 2008

On 04/23/2008 07:04 AM, Brian McKee wrote:
> OK - maybe I'm reading this thread different than anyone else, but I
> think he's asking how he can install a GUI that only launches with
> startx.
> So, install the desktop meta package you want - gnome, kde, whatever
> (e.g. kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, enlightenment,
> fvwm, poison etc etc etc) then remove the graphical sign in daemon
> (gdm, kdm, xdm depending on which desktop you pick)

Ok, Dumb question.  How would you do that?  I assume you would not 
uninstall the daemon (in case you changed your mind later), but have it 
not start . . . right?  So it then comes out of some startup script?  
Then, when you have started the ubuntu-desktop using startx and now you 
want to close it again, what then?

Thanks this discussion fits very well with a project I am contemplating.


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