How to tell a folder from a launcher in ~/.local/share/applications

Michele m.zarri at
Wed Apr 23 19:22:42 UTC 2008

Hello NoOp,

Thanks for the nice link however I still cannot figure out the following:
>  >
>  > The problem is that I cannot understand how to place a launcher
>  > (.desktop file) into a specific subdirectory in my Office menu.
>  > ~/.local/share/application is "flat" and I do not know where to look
>  > at into the .desktop file to understand where the launcher will appear
>  > in the menu tree.
>  > My directory is in ~/.local/share/desktop-directories but I do not
>  > know how to link my directory to the launchers.

I will expand a bit.

I have created a new menu into the Office menu called OOo2.4
Now I thought that by writing in my [desktop entry] the following
category I would be ok:


Instead the application appears in the Applications > Office.

I then decided to reopen alacarte (the menu editor) and drag the
application into the new menu. THis produces the following result:
a) a new launcher (.desktop) file is created in my ~/.local/share/applications
b) the category entry of this new launcher is just a semicolon, i.e.

I have now done what I wanted to do, but for my education I would like
to know how to push a launcher into a custom made submenu editing the
launcher file.



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