Samba Server

Karl Larsen k5di at
Wed Apr 23 11:38:45 UTC 2008

William Hammond wrote:
> At 12:11 AM 4/23/2008, you wrote:
>> William Hammond wrote:
>>> Sorry it I wasn't clear, I'm looking for the best tools to set up and
>>> maintain a
>>> Samba - Ubuntu Server 7.10.
>>> I'd like to install some kind of GUI, but one that I could call 
>> with startx.
>>> Leaving the system at the command line most of the time.
>>  lists some potentials.  I don't know if
>> they are part of the normal distribution.  As I said, I use SWAT and vi.  I
>> suppose one question is...what is wrong with SWAT?
> Since I just installed swat sudo apt-get install swat
> I forgot about checking initd,
> The command doesn't fail, it just doesn't come up and I have
> to do a ctrl+c to abort.
> Your a brave man for using vi,
> I use these servers to run my application - Windows based.
> I've got enough on my plate keeping up with .NET.
> So I need to be able to perform basic Linux tasks without having
> to become expert.
> If I use OpenSuSE, it's very easy to manage with YAST, but it's a GUI, all the
> time.
> I think Ubuntu would perform better, if it's set up right and I can 
> go GUI with Startx.
> Some books recommend X with something like Windowmaker, but I don't see those
> options with Ubuntu
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    This is sounding like a "the best editor" question. I do all my file 
modifications from a Terminal with "joe" a Word Star editor. This is the 
"best editor" because I know how to use it :-)

    Another is gedit. This can be started from a Terminal but is a very 
nice GUI editor. But to have this editor you should load the standard 
Gnome on x-windows system. If I was living with Samba server I would use 
this. When your done setting up just drop back to the init level you 
want to operate in.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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