Email reply starting positions

Derek Broughton news at
Sun Apr 20 17:51:34 UTC 2008

Keith Clark wrote:

>>     I was not going to get in this but just want to say that Thunderbird
>> in Edit - Account Settings you select what place to begin your Reply. I
>> set mine to Bottom because the nice folks here want that. It is
>> super-easy to change.
> I am using Evolution and I can't seem to see a setting that allows for
> changing where the reply starts, I'd love to have them start at the
> bottom.  I didn't know it could be changed so I thank you for that
> information.

Karl misses the point.  While "the good folks" would like everybody to not
top-post, merely setting the email insertion point at the end of the prior
message is a Bad Thing.  It encourages you to quote the entirety of the
previous message.  It's preferable to start with the insertion point at the
beginning of the message, then skip down, quoting only that part of the
prior email necessary for context, and deleting the rest, inserting your
own comments as appropriate.

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