Specifying WEP key number in Hardy

Steve Lee steve at fullmeasure.co.uk
Sat Apr 19 09:35:08 UTC 2008

On 19/04/2008, Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at dantian.org> wrote:
> What is this "key number"? I never heard of such a thing.

Thanks Mario. There are actually 4 keys available for WEP and you
specify which you want to use. The default is key 1 and it looks like
nm assumes that but doesn't let you chose otherwise. I chose key 2 to
be a little more obscure and hopefully more secure. For example in my
Netgear router if you enter a pass phrase it generates 4 keys and you
pick which to use.

My /etc/network/interface looks like:

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
wireless-essid XYZ
wireless-defaultkey 2
wireless-key2 1234567890
wireless-keymode restricted

>  Also, did you try to right-click the nm-applet icon and click "Edit
>  wireless networks"? Maybe what you are looking for is there.

yes and no different there.

Steve Lee
Open Source Assistive Technology Software
web: fullmeasure.co.uk
blog: eduspaces.net/stevelee/weblog

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