
Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 18 14:09:58 UTC 2008

Ioannis Vranos <ivranos at freemail.gr>  said:
> [ OS: Ubuntu 7.10 x86.
>  Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT (AGP slot), working with the
>  native driver coming with Ubuntu (version 100.14.19). ]
> How? I have enabled System::Preferences::Appearance::Visual
> Effects::Extra, and the only stuff I see is the window "animations"
> when I move them.
> How can I do the rest of stuff, like the rotating cube?

Get compiz, compiz-core, compiz configuration settings manager,
compiz-fusion-plugins-main, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-gnome,
compiz-plugins and emerald.  

Open compiz configuration settings manager (ccsm) (find it under
System> Preferences> Advanced Desktop Effects Settings) and have fun!

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
	Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
		"The Barsoom Project"

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