7.10 No Brown Desktop

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Thu Apr 17 15:00:35 UTC 2008

Jeffrey Tooker wrote:
> <<<-----Original Message-----
> From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
> [mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Tooker
> Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 12:31 AM
> To: 'Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions'
> Subject: 7.10 No Brown Desktop
> I have downloaded Ubunto 7.10. from the internet.  This is not the burn to
> disk version, or at 1 AM the night I loaded it I loaded it straight in.
    It is quite difficult to load from the .iso file on your computer. 
Much easier to put the file on a cd and load it as it is intended.

>   I
> remember I did not make a disk then.  The program is running, I do not know
> how correctly.

    I do not believe you.

>   7.10 is on a seperate HD by itself.  I have since downloaded
> and burned to disk 7.10.  I got the book "The Official Ubunto Book" by
> Benjamin Mako Hill.  Since I have 7.10 installed I went to to chapter three
> page 55 "Using the Ubunto Desktop".  I started my way through chapter three
> with my computer on and logged into 7.10.  First I have no brown desktop.

    No brown deskstop means your not loaded.
>   I
> tried following the book directions.  Things only got worse.
    Stop all this and install the software from the cd as the book says 
to do it. Then the book will work. Good luck :-)

>  In reading the book it says to boot up the system with the disk in the CD
> drive to install 7.10 from the disk. It does not boot up from the CD.  I
> believe this is in Windows, but the book is not specific. I am trying to
> install the disk version of 7.10 over the presently installed 7.10.  This
> should clear the drive of the existing program and load the new disk version
> of 7.10.  The book also says the system will boot up off of the CD drive.  I
> believe if I can get the Windows portion to bootup off of the CD drive that
> the the installation of the disk version of 7.10 will install. I do not know
> how to get this done.  Help!!!!!
> Jeffrey Tooker 
> Paynes Creek Ca.>>>
> Better yet, how does one un install Ubuntu 7.10 from a computer?  Once the
> 7.10 is gone the diskload should work OK.
> Jeffrey Tooker 
> Paynes Creek Ca
> newb


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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