TopPosting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Thu Apr 17 12:20:10 UTC 2008

Mike Besemer (WM4B) wrote:
> Too bad none of this dribble has anything to do with the purpose of
> this forum.

I'm sorry...were all the other questions being completely ignored in 
lieu of contributing to this drivel of a thread?

Usually when something like this "explodes" there's a reason for it, 
usually related to a lot of people slowly getting more irritated at the 
topic until it builds up and lets a virtual "poof".

It goes boom, it goes away just as quickly when everyone's bored with 
it, and people who keep contributing by telling everyone to go to 
another forum or quiet down or end it or...blah blah...are still doing 
just that.  Contributing to the thread.

The best thing to do to achieve your goal is ignore the thread and it'll 
go away!

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