Broadcom wireless is driving me nuts!

Keith Clark keithclark1966 at
Wed Apr 16 03:41:11 UTC 2008

Well, after a recent upgrade to 8.04 Beta my wireless is yet again giving me a pain in the butt.  I can connect, sometimes, using the b43 driver, but only at speeds of 1 Mb/s by default.  I can use the command sudo iwconfig eth1 rate 54M to make a speed change, and it appears to do so, but speed tests say otherwise.

I have the 4318 card on a Compaq R4000 Laptop.

I don't know if this is something that will be fixed at the release of 8.04, but history shows that I highly doubt it!  I wish this problem was solved once and for all!

Any ideas of what to try for now though?



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