TopPosting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lorenzo Taylor daxlinux at
Wed Apr 16 01:42:05 UTC 2008

Bottom posting is just as bad if not worse than top posting. There are
some threads I haven't been able to follow at all because people quote
quotes of quotes in their entirety up to and including the signature
before their post. "Don't top post" just isn't the answer. "Inline post"
or "trim quotes" should be the encouraged action. Note that I have
posted *no* quote here, because I need not. I feel it's very clear what
I'm referring to without having to have an entire message quoted either
before or after my post. That being said, please refrain from cluttering
up my inbox with complaints about top posting or about how people send
their mail. Yes, the delete key takes time, especially when I get an
average of 250 messages per day from a combination of this and other
lists I happen to frequent. Most of those other lists are filled with
top posters, and I don't care, since the meat is at the top so I don't
have to read through all the he-said-she-said that I already read 5+
times before I read the post I'm trying to read. No one on those lists
complains about the top posters either, but they do complain about their
inboxes getting too full of fluff, and I personally consider complaints
about how mail is being sent to a list to be fluff.

Just my $0.02,
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